Kelker's Kids
There is a special group of kids at Billings Clinic with cancer or other serious blood disorders known as Kelker’s Kids. Billings Clinic has been caring for Kelker’s Kids since 1978 when Dr. Paul Kelker started the first pediatric oncology program in Montana.
These children and their families, with amazing grace and courage, face the overwhelming challenges of prolonged cancer treatments, distressing side effects and an uncertain future.
The burdens on these children and their families are immense. The Kelker’s Kids Fund was established at Billings Clinic Foundation to financially assist families during these difficult times. Assistance ranges from providing funds for travel necessary for cancer treatment to helping make ends meet. The Fund also supports gatherings and activities allowing the kids to experience the joys of being a child.
Your gift to Kelker’s Kids will allow families to focus on what is important - the care of their child.