Cancer Surgery
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Surgery is an essential part of the treatment for patients with many types of cancer. Our surgeons come from multiple subspecialty areas at Billings Clinic and are an essential part of the multidisciplinary cancer team.
They not only understand the techniques of surgical management, but also recognize how surgery fits into the broader cancer treatment plan, which may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or other integrative medical approaches.
Our surgeons collaborate with other cancer-related disciplines at Billings Clinic to develop individualized cancer treatment plans in order to offer patients the best chance for cure. These plans include expertise from specialties including:
- Gynecologic oncologists
- Medical oncologists
- Radiation oncologists
- Pathologists
- Radiologists
- Plastic/reconstructive surgeons
- Nurse navigators
- Oncology nursing staff
- Social workers
Our surgical expertise allows for the use of specialized techniques including:
- Minimally invasive procedures including use of the da Vinci® Surgical System for urologic and gynecologic cancers
- Sentinel node mapping for breast cancer and melanoma
- Sphincter-sparing surgery for low rectal cancers
- Liver resection for appropriate metastatic disease
- Interventional radiology including radiofrequency ablation
- Laparoscopic colon resection
- Advanced laparoscopic staging biopsies and tumor resections
- Placement of brachytherapy implants for focused radiation therapy treatments
- Peritoneal chemoperfusion for tumors which have advanced into the peritoneal cavity
Overall, our surgeons at Billings Clinic have a wealth of experience in surgical oncology care.